Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beach "JEWELS"

The Beach
Sunshine Everywhere
Walking up and down
Finding Beach "Jewels"
What are they?
.....Beach Coins
.....Washed up treasures
.....Sand Dollars
.....Finding sea urchins
.....Walking with Friends
.....Stopping to take Pictures of couples/families if asked
.....Finding Seaweed
.....Enjoying the sounds of the waves
.....Feeling the sand on your feet
.....Hearing the birds
.....Feeding the birds
.....Watching surfers
.....Watching Wind Sailing
.....Seeing Sailing Boats
.....Seeing ships from afar...wondering where they are going, what's in them,and/or where the've been
.....Watching pet owners playing catch/frisby/running/walking with their pets
.....Throwing/Catching a Frisby back and forth
.....Flying a Kite
.....Making sure you carry plenty of dark tanning lotion
.....Watching others "doing their things"
.....Packing a Lunch to Enjoy on the beach

These are all Beach "JEWELS" to me! I just LOVE the BEACH! Wish I could LIVE on the Beach!

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