Friday, June 11, 2010


There's nothing like sitting down with some markers, stamps, paper, designes, etc. to create some cards. Your Family/Friends will LOVE them because you not only took the time to send them a note but you also made the card yourself. Card "JEWELS" are keepers. Make some today. Here is some samples of my Card "JEWELS"!

A "JEWEL" of a Salad


2 cooled, chilled, and skinned chicken breasts
1 cup chopped red and/or green peppers
3 cups cooled cooked rice
1/2 head of torn (bite size peices) lettuce
1/4 cup almonds
1 cup mayonnaise
2 sliced hard-boiled eggs
2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp.pepper

Combine chicken, peppers, rice, lettuce, almonds, and eggs together. Blend mayonnaise, mustard and seasonings. Pour this over previously prepared rice mixtue. Toss lightly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beach "JEWELS"

The Beach
Sunshine Everywhere
Walking up and down
Finding Beach "Jewels"
What are they?
.....Beach Coins
.....Washed up treasures
.....Sand Dollars
.....Finding sea urchins
.....Walking with Friends
.....Stopping to take Pictures of couples/families if asked
.....Finding Seaweed
.....Enjoying the sounds of the waves
.....Feeling the sand on your feet
.....Hearing the birds
.....Feeding the birds
.....Watching surfers
.....Watching Wind Sailing
.....Seeing Sailing Boats
.....Seeing ships from afar...wondering where they are going, what's in them,and/or where the've been
.....Watching pet owners playing catch/frisby/running/walking with their pets
.....Throwing/Catching a Frisby back and forth
.....Flying a Kite
.....Making sure you carry plenty of dark tanning lotion
.....Watching others "doing their things"
.....Packing a Lunch to Enjoy on the beach

These are all Beach "JEWELS" to me! I just LOVE the BEACH! Wish I could LIVE on the Beach!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Poetry "JEWEL"

I just love sitting down and typing stories and poems that just come to mind. On June 1 I received a "Certificate Of Excellence" certificate on one such poem "One Cross". I wrote this poem and sent it in to a free poetry contest who gave me an honorable mention along with publication of it in their upcoming book: "Great Poems of the Western World". I'm looking forward to that and will put a copy of my poem on my BLOG after it's published. This is one of my Poetry "JEWELS"!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

An Early Morning "JEWEL"

Sitting on the Front Porch every morning looking out at a small area of God's Wonderful World is a "JEWEL" in itself. With Camera in hand I sought out this "JEWEL" every morning as I went out on our front porch to see what I could see. One morning a Dragonfly appeared on one of the dew dripped palm tree leaf. I snapped it's picture and to my surprise it was an "up close and personal one"....SO BEAUTIFUL....SO AWE INSPIRING! Here's its picture for you to enjoy! It was truly "An Early Morning JEWEL"!

A Back Yard "JEWEL"

It's exciting to see the Hummingbirds when they return year after year. As you watch them you wonder if it's one of the ones you watched the previous year. I just LOVE to watch them. They are busy little creatures. It was a GREAT thing when God made these cute little birds. "And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that they may fly above the earth in the open firmanment of heaven" Gen. 1:20). "God created....every winged fowl after its kind; and God saw that it was good" (Gen. 1:21)! I'm so glad we have these delightful tiny birds to watch and enjoy. Sitting in my Breakfast Area one morning three of these beautiful creatures found an empty Hummingbird feeder...they were not happy campers. As I sat there watching this poem came to mind:

Three Hummingbirds

Flying High
Sometimes Low
Seeking Nectar.

Feeder's Empty
Wanting More
Window Hovering
Seeking Me.

Two are Gray
One is Green
Beautiful, Tiny,
Little Birds tat God made.

Copied: Page 73; "Looking Up, Looking Back, A Little Of This, A Little Of That"

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Favorite Baked "JEWEL"


Preheat oven to 350o

1 1/2 c. White Lily plain all-purpose flour
2 T. brown sugar
6 T. butter or margarine

Stir together flour and brown sugar; cut in the butter. Pat flour mixture into an ungreased 11x7 inch baking pan. Bake in oven for 15 minutes.

2 eggs
1/2 packed brown sugar
1/2 to1 cup chopped pecans, lightly toasted
1/2 cup dark or light corn syrup
2 T. butter or margarine, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt

In mixing bowl beat eggs slightly; stir in the 1/2 cup brown sugar, pecans, corn syrup, 2 T. melted butter, vanilla and salt.

Pour over baked layer. Bake in oven for an additional 25 minutes or until done. Cool slightly on wire rack; cut into bars. Makes about 32 bars.

YUM, YUM What a "JEWEL". After you bake this and eat it you'll probably want to think twice about making a pecan pie from then on!

My Favorite Jewels

I would have to say that my favorite JEWELS are my Family. That's why I wrote two books about them. Both of which were published by Publish America. One is called "Looking Up, Looking Back, A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That". I know, I know what a long title....Hey I know that....I was wondering if they could even put this title on the front of the book but they did. The second book that I wrote is called "Heavenly Happenings". I had the opportunity to design both books using pictures of the stories that are within each book.