Monday, September 6, 2010

My new book, "From Her Shadow Into The Light" has just arrived. This book was written for three reasons. First of all to let Samuel know more about his birth mother, to remember her through some "sweet" stories, and to help others who have lost a child to understand how to cherish the "Memories" of their loved ones and the life they lived while here on earth and not to dwell on their death. I have ordered a few copies to sell to family/friends/neighbors. To buy a "signed" book please email and let me know that you'd like one and I will send you my mailing address. I am giving all of the money made from these books to "MISSIONS" (Christina's First Love). The cost of the book is $19.95 and checks should be made payable to Daystar Baptist Missions, Inc. (this includes shipping and handling). This money will go to help our nephew, Thomas (and his family), Missionary to Trinidad and Tabago. This book can also be ordered from publiser (PublishAmerica). Go to their website and type in my full name, Jessie Lemacks Hayden, and all information about the 3 books I've written and prices.